Pest Control
In a tropical climate, it is easy for insects in the form of ants, termites and cockroaches to find their way into the houses. To prevent insects from becoming resident, the houses, the general areas, the gardens and the lawns are sprayed with pesticides every month. There is an updated list on the website that states which day of the month the spraying takes place in your area. Once a year, a thoroughly spray is done under the house body. The pesticide used is one of the milder products available in the Thai market, sensitive people and young children can still get a reaction from the pesticide used but in general there is no inconvenience being located in the area or in the garden during and after the spraying work.
NOTE! Do not remain in the house during the spraying and stay away for at least one hour after the spraying has been completed.
Should any area, despite monthly pest control, be affected by e.g. termite problems, further control will be done at no extra cost. LARF, like other pest control companies, takes no responsibility for damage caused by insect.
The pesticides used do not work against mice. If the homeowner fears that there are mice in the house, often between the inner and outer ceiling, contact our staff.